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TUKEN is a residual action herbicide for the control of broadleaf weeds such as Cruciferous and Yuyo Colorado during the fallow period, and in pre-sowing of a wide variety of crops such as Wheat and Barley, Soybeans, Corn, Sunflower, Peanuts and Rice. It can also be used in grass and legume associated pastures registered in SENASA with N°: 38.505

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Active Ingredient:



Active Ingredient

Diflufenican 50%


Great residual action. Only Diflufenican on the market formulated as Dispersible Granules. After being applied, it forms a continuous layer in the first centimeters of soil, where it is absorbed by the seedlings of the weeds that emerge. It has very low solubility (0.05 mg/l) and high Koc (>2000) which makes it resistant to leaching in periods of high rainfall. Effective for the control of Yuyo Colorado resistant to Glyphosate and ALS herbicides.

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