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ASTRIS GOLD is formulated based on two insecticides: lambdacialotrina, a pyrethroid that acts by contact, ingestion and repellency; and lufenuron, an insect growth regulator that interferes with chitin synthesis. The combination of both results in an effective control method with a fast flipping effect and high residual power. registered in SENASA with N°: 40.817

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Active Ingredient

Lambda Cyhalothrin+Lufenuron


ASTRIS GOLD can be applied with commonly used ground sprayers. Use a volume of 100 to 140 liters of solution per hectare. Ensure good coverage by avoiding runoff. It is advisable to achieve coverage of 50-70 drops/cm2. Aerial: Minimum volume of application, 20 -30 liters of solution per hectare. It is suggested to apply with suitable environmental conditions: wind speed less than 15 km / h (and greater than 4 km / h to achieve better penetration and coverage of the target), temperature less than 30 ° C and with ΔT values between 2 and 8. Work with the minimum boom height compatible with good uniformity and quality of application, which does not compromise the exodrift depending on the climatic conditions in force at the time of application. Do not apply to thermal investment risk. When the mitigation of the exodrift cannot be assured, it is suggested not to spray when the wind blows towards sensitive crops (*) adjacent to the lot to be sprayed, water courses and / or in the vicinity of residential areas. Comply with provincial and/or municipal regulations on non-application and buffer areas.

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