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PORCEL ALB is a contact and ingestion juvenoid insecticide that disturbs the growth cycle of the insect, mainly in the stages of morphogenesis, embryogenesis and reproduction of mealybugs, whiteflies, aphids, thrips, and some species of lepidoptera, being its effect practically null on beneficial insects. It also does not affect bees and other colonizing insects. PORCEL ALB is slow-acting, which ensures a long period of protection, gradually reducing the population of the pest. It does not have mobility within the plant, but has good translaminar action. registered in SENASA with N°: 40.816

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Active Ingredient:



Active Ingredient

Pyriproxyfen 10% EC


Preparation: PORCEL ALB is an emulsifiable concentrate, for its correct application it must be applied in clean water. For proper preparation, follow the following instructions: • Verify the proper functioning of the equipment and its correct calibration before starting the application. • Add water to the tank of the sprayer, up to half of its volume. Put the agitation system to work. • Add the necessary dose of PORCEL ALB, according to the calibration performed, directly to the tank and without prior dilution. Verify that the product is thoroughly mixed. • Complete the tank with water to the final volume. Shake the broth before resuming application. Always use clean water.

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