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Product Type:


Active Ingredient:


  • It is a herbicide for broadleaf control, acts in early stages of weed development
  • It is absorbed by the root or tissues and translocated to the aerial part, it is an inhibitor of photosynthesis.

    Pests controlled: Mallow (Malvastrum coromandelianum), Toryfish (Nicandra physalode), Chiori (Amaranthus quitensis), Chupurujume (Parthenium pysterophorus), Purslane (Portulaca oleracea), Guapurusillo (Solanum nigrum), Chiori (Amaranthus viridis), Crow's Foot (Eleusine indica), Rogelia (Rogelia (Rottoboelia cochinchinensis), False payillo (Croton lobatus), Caperonia (Caperonia palustris), Milk milk (Euphorbia heterophylla), Crow's foot (Digitaria ciliaris), White quinoa (Chenopodium album), Plumilla (Leptochloa virgata).

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