Diligent CT 81 WP
DILIGENT CT® 81 WP is a dual-active fungicide based on metalaxyl and chlorothalonil for the control of peranosporal pathogens causing villous and gout mildeos.
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Use: Fungicide
Formulation: Wettable powder.
Mode of Action: The metalaxyl in the DILIGENT CT® 81 WP is a systemic fungicide
with protective and healing action, the plant takes it by leaves, stems and roots. Metalaxyl is used in the disease control of peranosporal pathogens of the air and soil.
Chlorothalonil is a non-systemic foliar fungicide with protective action for preventive use. Chlorothalonil is used for the preventive control of a wide range of diseases in agricultural crops.
Toxicological Category: III, Slightly Dangerous, Beware, Blue Stripe.
ICA Record: 1349