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Landmaster® Supreme 480 TF

Landmaster® Supreme 480 TF

BVL NR: 026923-61

LANDMASTER® SUPREME 480 TF is formulated as DMA salt. The innovative, tallowamine-free formulation enables a high active ingredient loading of 480 g/l, significantly higher compared to many other glyphosate products.

CULTURES: arable crops, cereals (barley, oats, rye, triticale, wheat), rapeseed, sugar beet, fodder beet, corn, set aside areas, softwood, hardwood, vegetable crops, meadows, pastures, railway tracks, lawns, christmas trees



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Product Type:


Active Ingredient:


  • More sustainable and superior control over mechanical measures
  • High cost-effectiveness (time savings, machine costs, fuel costs)
  • Regrowth of weeds is prevented
  • Follow-up herbicides can be reduced: Less Soil herbicides necessary, less herbicide stress leaf-active corn herbicides possible
  • Occasional night frosts (down to -4 degrees C) without negative influence
  • Can be mixed with many pre-emergence herbicides
  • High application rate for problem weeds up to 1800 g/ha possible
  • Excellent price-performance ratio: quality wetting agents, DMA salt glyphosate, integrated foam stop, very wide Permit
  • High concentration of active ingredients: fewer agents per hectare, Easier preparation of the spray liquid, less packaging



Use pesticides carefully. Before use always read the label and the product information. Please pay attention to warning notices and symbols.

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