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Humic acids derived from leonardite. Biostimulant of natural origin with quickly assimilated organic matter. It is formulated as a soluble liquid that gives the product rapid solubility and easy handling. Its acidic pH facilitates mixing and compatibility with phytosanitary products. In general, it improves root growth and germination, soil structure and nutrient assimilation, providing organic fertilization with excellent efficiency at low doses. It can be applied both volially and by drip irrigation.

Composition: 25% w/w Total humic extract; 20.5% w/w Humic acids; 4.5% w/w Fulvic acids

Formulation type: SC - Concentrated suspension


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Please follow the recommendations on the label at all times. To have the most accurate and up-to-date information, always consult the product authorization in the MAPA Registry of Phytosanitary Products

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