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ICASSO 24 EC clethodim is an inhibitor of fatty acid synthesis by inhibiting the enzyme Acetyl CoA carboxylase. Fatty acids are essential for the stability of plant cell membranes and for the development of new tissue. Broadleaf plants are tolerant to clethodim but grass plants are susceptible.

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  • ICASSO 24 EC Clethodim is a systemic graminicide herbicide that is rapidly absorbed and easily translocated from foliage to the growing parts of the plant via phloem.
  • It is recommended to apply this herbicide to small grass weeds in active growth.
  • Clethodim penetrates the cuticle of the leaves in 1 hour after application, and the symptoms of the herbicidal action develop slowly, between 7 to 10 days after application appearing first on the youngest leaves of the bud.
  • Susceptible grasses develop tissue yellowing that may also be accompanied by reddish color and eventually burning or necrosis.
  • The control is completed in 15 - 20 days after application; this period is shortened if humidity and luminosity favor the active growth of weeds.

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