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Rotazeb: Mancozeb 75% WP

Rotazeb: Mancozeb 75% WP

  • Rotazeb is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide of Dithiocarbamate group.
  • Rotazeb reduces the activity of enzymes in fungus which in turn reduces the energy production and finally results in death of the fungus.
  • Rotazeb provides protection against a wide spectrum of fungal diseases for range of crops.
  • Rotazeb is the best fungicide to be used along with systemic fungicides to prevent and/or delay resistance development.
  • Rotazeb in addition to disease control, it also provides mangnese and zinc in traces to crop, thereby keeps plants green and healthy.
  • Rotazeb is recommended with a dose range of 600-800 gm/acre to control various diseases in several crops.

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