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Tokalix 86 OL

Tokalix 86 OL


A contact and systemic fungicide for the control of black and yellow Sigatoka diseases in banana.

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Performance Highlights

  • Tokalix is a contact and systemic fungicide with preventive and curative mode of action.
  • It is easily mixed with mineral spray oil, used for spraying banana plantations to control Sigatoka diseases.
  • Tridemorph, the active ingredient of Tokalix, is a unique fungicide, and a member of morpholine fungicide family.
  • Morpholines act by inhibiting sterol biosynthesis, but they have the ability to act on different and multiple metabolic steps that other sterol biosynthesis inhibitors may not have.
  • Tridemorph does not allow the disease organism to develop any resistance to it. Not only has it become one of the most useful tools to prevent fungicide resistance in Sigatoka control, but it is also being used as the preferred rotational partner for Triazoles and Strobilurin fungicides.

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