30 lb bags, 6 lb bags
Koverall® is a broad-spectrum fungicide labeled for use on outdoor and greenhouse grown crops, turf, and ornamentals. Optimum disease control is achieved when the fungicide is applied in a regularly scheduled preventative spray program. The addition of an agricultural surfactant will enhance fungicide performance by providing a more uniform spray deposit, increased foliar redistribution, and enhanced fungicide retention during periods of wet weather. Under low disease conditions, minimum label rates per application can be used while maximum label rates and the minimum interval may be used for severe or threatening disease conditions.
Compare to: Manzate®
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Product Features:
- Unique mode of action making it an excellent disease resistance management tool.
- May be applied in a foliar, seed, or chemigation application in a variety of crops.
- Effective in protecting against a wide range of fungal pathogens, including leaf spots, rusts, scabs, early blight, late blight, walnut blight, and downy mildew, in a range of crops.
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