Nu-Cop® HB
10 lb
Nu-Cop® HB is a unique high bioavailable (HiBIO) formulation that provides superior suspensibility, while delivering performance at rates that are lower than traditional copper products. On most crops, sprays can be applied with conventional dilute sprays in aerial application unless specifically prohibited on the label. Recommended use rates are generally stated in lbs. of Nu-Cop® HB per acre sprayed. When using each type of sprayer, follow that equipment manufacturer’s recommendation, or that of the State Extension Service for the volume of spray water per acre on each crop. Mix the recommended lbs. of Nu-Cop HB for each crop in sufficient spray water for thorough coverage of the crop to be sprayed.
Compare to: Kocide® 2000/Kocide® 3000
Find A RepProduct Type:
- Alfalfa
- Almond
- Apples
- Apricot
- Avocado
- Bananas
- Barley
- Beans (Dry)
- Blueberry
- Brambles
- Cacao
- Carrots
- Celery
- Cherry
- Chives
- Citrus
- Coffee
- Cranberry
- Cruciferous Vegetables
- Cucurbits
- Dill
- Eggplant
- Filbert
- Garlic
- Ginseng
- Guava
- Hops
- Kiwi
- Lettuce
- Litchi
- Macadamia
- Mango
- Nectarine
- Oats
- Olive
- Onion
- Papaya
- Parsley
- Passion Fruit
- Pea
- Peach
- Peanut
- Pear
- Pecan
- Pepper
- Pistachio
- Plum
- Potato
- Soybean
- Strawberry
- Sugar Beets
- Tomato
- Turfgrass
- Walnut
- Watercress
- Wheat
- Grapes
- Ornamentals
- Corn
Active Ingredient:
Product Features:
- Powered by proprietary high bioavailable (HiBIO™) technology that improves coverage of the product by creating a smaller, consistent particle size to create a slow-release copper ion (Cu+2).
- Among the highest levels of bioavailable copper ions for excellent disease control.
- Highly effective, low-dust copper formulation that has a high metallic copper content and provides superior rainfastness.
- Use rate is 50% of traditional copper DF formulations, resulting in more acres treated per bag.
- OMRI listed and can be used in organic production systems.
Not Registered
- 2(ee) Recommendation, For Control of Citrus Black Spot on Citrus (FL)
- 2(ee) Recommendation, For Control of Fire Blight in Apples
- 2(ee) Recommendation, For Control of Pink Pitting & Greasy Spot in Citrus (FL)
- 2(ee) Recommendation, For Suppression of Citrus Canker in Citrus (FL)
- Albaugh in Action: Dormant Fungicide Applications
- Label
- OMRI Certificate
- Other, OMRI Listed Certificate
- Safety Data Sheet
- Technical Bulletin
- What is HiBIO™ Technology?