Aggressor® AX
2x2.5 gal, NR 135
Provides postemergence control of winter and spring annual grasses in the CoAXium® Wheat Production System and wheat varieties with the AXigen® trait.
Compare to: Quizalofop-p-ethyl
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Product Features:
Provides growers with more crop rotational freedom due to lack of soil persistence and limited plant back restrictions on key crops.
Offers broad-spectrum control of tough annual grassy weeds including feral rye and ALS (Group 2) resistant bio-types of downy brome and jointed goatgrass.
Can be combined with many broadleaf weed partners for complete grass and broadleaf control in a single application.
Excellent crop safety, as Aggressor AX will be applied to only two gene-tolerant CoAXium wheat varieties.
Can be applied in the fall or spring at rates that match grassy weed size and pressure.
Has a herbicide application window from 5 leaf wheat to jointing (2nd node detectable on main stem).
Group 1 (ACCase) mode-of-action, providing growers with a new tool for control of tough annual grassy weeds.
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