Eventex™ 400SC
Coming Soon
4x1 gal
Eventex™ 400SC insecticide is a member of the anthranilic diamide class of insecticides with a mode of action acting on insect ryanodine receptors. Although Exceliprole has contact activity, it is most effective through ingestion of treated plant material. After exposure to Eventex, affected insects will rapidly stop feeding, become paralyzed, and typically die within 1-3 days. Time applications to the most susceptible insect pest stage, typically at egg lay, egg hatch and/or newly hatched larvae, before populations reach damaging levels. If possible, make applications at or before egg deposition to be most effective in minimizing damage levels caused by insect pests. When pest populations are high, use the highest listed application rate for that pest.
Compare to: Shenzi® 700WG
Find A RepProduct Type:
Insecticides & Miticides
Active Ingredient:
Product Features:
- Active against a broad-spectrum of Lepidopteran pests, including navel orangeworm, peach twig borer, codling moth, and Oriental fruit moth.
- Fast-acting control, with feeding cessation occurring minutes after exposure.
- Extended residual control.
- Single active ingredient with minimal PPE requirements, short REI and short PHI for maximum flexibility.
- No flaring of mites or aphids, and minimal impact on bees and other pollinators, when used in accordance with sound integrated pest management practices.
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