2x2.5 gal
ReTurn® is a liquid, water soluble insecticide product to be diluted with water for control of many insects, mites and nematodes. ReTurn is for suppression of nematodes where populations are low-to-moderate. Apply product by foliar spray, drip irrigation, shank or other soil injection system, soil surface band followed immediately by overhead irrigation, or by sprinkler chemigation. For optimum results on nematodes, use a registered soil fumigant or contact nematicide before or at-plant for most crops. ReTurn application timing and treatment schedules will be determined by the crop and life cycle of the nematode. Refer to the specific crop DIRECTIONS FOR USE on the product label. All soil-applied treatments must be incorporated immediately after application to a depth of at least 2 inches by water or mechanical means. ReTurn should be placed in the root zone of the plant for best results.
ReTurn is a restricted use pesticide.
Compare to: Vydate® L
Find A RepProduct Type:
Insecticides & Miticides
Active Ingredient:
Product Features:
- Works as both a nematicide and an insecticide, providing broad-spectrum suppression of various sucking and chewing insects and nematodes by acting directly on the acetylcholinesterase receptors.
- Flexible application methods deliver product directly to the source.
- Moves systemically, accumulating in young, actively growing roots to stop feeding quickly.
- Translocates throughout the plant for faster activity.
- Decreases nematode feeding, movement, reproduction, and hatching to ensure a
healthy root system.
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