Abacus® V6
4x1 gal.
Abacus® V6 provides economical, reliable control of damaging insect pests. The active ingredient, abamectin, is a naturally occurring compound produced by a certain soilborne bacteria. Abamectin acts primarily through ingestion. It is frequently used to control aphids, whiteflies, leafhoppers and spider mites. It is less effective on larger insects like grasshoppers and beetles, and should not be used where honeybees are foraging. It has limited plant systemic activity. Abacus V6 breaks down quickly in the environment and microbial degradation occurs in the soil.
Abacus V6 is a restricted use pesticide.
Compare to: Agri-Mek®
Find A RepProduct Type:
Insecticides & Miticides
Active Ingredient:
Product Features:
- A proven, low VOC liquid insecticide and miticide containing 6% abamectin EC.
- Serves as an excellent foundation for rotational programs.
- Consistent, excellent efficacy for spider mites, leafminers, leafhoppers, psyllids and
other pests. - Controls damaging insect and mite pests targeting specialty crops with minimal
impact on beneficials. - Flexible pre-harvest intervals ranging from 3 to 30 days, depending on crop.
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