2 x 2.5 gal; 120 gal
Hexamite® miticide is recommended for use as a foliar application in labeled crops. It controls mites through activity on eggs and immature stages. Control is achieved from either direct contact with the spray or from contact with treated plant surfaces. Through its ovicidal activity, it controls newly deposited mite eggs and eggs which are laid after application. Hexamite is also highly effective in controlling immature motile stages of target mite species that are sprayed or move onto treated surfaces. Adult mites are not directly affected. However, eggs produced by females in contact with treated surfaces will be rendered nonviable. Hexamite provides residual control of pest mite species. The degree and duration of control is dependent on the rate used, growth stage of the mite, species of mite, and climatic conditions under which the material is applied.
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Find A RepProduct Type:
Insecticides & Miticides
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Product Features:
- Provides residual control of immature pest mite species, which is dependent upon the rate used, growth stage of the mite, species of mite and environmental conditions under which the product was applied.
- Controls newly deposited eggs and eggs which are laid after application. If a medium to high population of adults is present, Hexamite in combination with another registered miticide (adulticide) may result in improved control.
- Good translaminar action that the EPA has classified as practically nontoxic to beneficial insects for ideal use in IPM and resistance management programs.
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