Mepstar 6X®
4x1 gal, 2x2.5 gal, NR 265
MepStar 6X® is a foliar applied plant regulator. It allows growers to manage cotton plants for short-season production leading to reduced risk of yield and quality loss due to delayed and prolonged harvest. Benefits derived from the use of MepStar 6X include increased early boll retention and/or larger bolls, reduced plant height which provides a more open canopy/ less boll rot, improved defoliation, less trash and lower ginning costs, better harvest efficiency and a darker leaf color. These benefits can provide for earlier maturity and often result in improved yields.
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Find A RepProduct Features:
- Highly concentrated formulation of mepiquat chloride for use in cotton management programs.
- Flexibility for low-rate multiple applications, or higher, less frequent dosages allow usage under a wide range of growing conditions.
- Offers excellent compatibility with insecticides and miticides.
- The premier choice for cotton growers, with proven performance and reliable results.
- High concentration allows for easy handling, application and storage.
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