SoyStar™ Elite ST
2 x 2.5 gal, 15 gal, 30 gal, 130 gal
SoyStarâ„¢ Elite ST provides protection against damping-off and seed rots due to Pythium, Phytophthora, Fusarium, as well as Rhizoctonia spp., and early season Phytophthora root rot. It also suppresses seed-borne Sclerotinia and Phomopsis spp. The Thiamethoxam insecticide component provides early season protection against aphids, grape colaspis, seed corn maggot, thrips, white grubs, wireworm and other seed- and seedling-attacking pests.
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Product Features:
- Thiamethoxam delivers effective systemic activity on early season chewing and sucking insect pests.
- Metalaxyl-M (mefenoxam) protects against Pythium, damping-off and early season Phytophthora when the temperatures are cool and soil conditions are wet.
- Azoxystrobin provides systemic broad-spectrum activity against seed- and soil-borne diseases that incite pre and postemergence damping-off. Includes excellent activity on Rhizoctonia spp. and additional Pythium protection.
- Thiabendazole provides systemic protection against early season Fusarium and seed-borne Phomopsis in soybeans and Ascochyta blight in chickpeas and lentils.
- Thiophanate-methyl provides early-season protection against Fusarium and Rhizoctonia spp. seed decay and seed-borne white mold (Sclerotinia spp.) and gray mold (Botrytis).
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