TebuStar IM Extra
2 x 2.5 gal, 15 gal, 30 gal, 110 gal, NR 265
TebuStar® IM Extra ST is a combination of the insecticide, imidacloprid and the systemic fungicides, tebuconazole and metalaxyl that aid in the control or suppression of listed seed, seedling and soilborne diseases of wheat, barley, and oats, including early season Pythium damping-off, smuts, early season Septoria disease complex, early season Rhizoctonia, and other labeled diseases. The imidacloprid component provides suppression of aphid and wireworm activity on seed and young seedlings, plus Hessian fly control in wheat and oats.
Compare to: Sativa® IM Max
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Product Features:
- Convenient, ready-to-use formulation.
- Higher level of imidacloprid for increased protection against sucking and chewing pests.
- Robust combination of fungicides and insecticide to promote healthy emergence and stand establishment.
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