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Diagonal® Komplett

Diagonal® Komplett

BVL NR: 00B023-60

DIAGONAL® KOMPLETT is a fungicide with 250 g/l azoxystrobin in an SC formulation to control fungal diseases in numerous arable and vegetable crops as well as legumes.

CULTURES: common wheat, barley, oats, rye, triticale, rapeseed, field bean, french bean, broad bean, pea, field peas, strawberries, salads, endives, garlic, onions, asparagus, carrot, leek, lupine species and cauliflower


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  • Very wide range of applications
  • Proven active ingredient against important fungal diseases in wheat and barley
  • Systemic and translaminar fungicide
  • Excellent mixing partner against rust diseases in grain


Use pesticides carefully. Before use always read the label and the product information. Please pay attention to warning notices and symbols.

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