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Euskatel® 250

Euskatel® 250

BVL NR: 00A895-00

EUSKATEL® 250 is a fungicide to combat Leaf diseases in wheat, barley, spelled, winter rye, oats, Triticale and winter rapeseed. The active ingredient prothioconazole inhibits this Ergosterol - biosynthesis of the fungus. EUSKATEL® 250 spreads systemically within the plant and protects against a large Spectrum of fungal pathogens. EUSKATEL® 250 works both preventive (protective), but also stops latent infections (curative) and thus prevents the fungus from spreading further.

CULTURES: wheat, barley, triticale, winter rye, oats, winter rapeseed, spelt


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Active Ingredient:


  • Broad approval in cereals and rapeseed
  • Multiple treatment possible in grain
  • Protective and curative effects
  • The tank mixing partner for all cases

Use pesticides carefully. Before use always read the label and the product information. Please pay attention to warning notices and symbols.

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