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Afrasa Ca

Afrasa Ca

AFRASA® CA increases the bioavailability and transport of calcium by activating the plant's cellular metabolism. The use of multicomplexes in the formula allows the programmed release and differential and sequential absorption of calcium, guaranteeing the plant a continuous supply of calcium. The use of transporters and elicitors improves intracellular bioavailability. The plant responds with an acceleration in the growth and maturation of tissues and organs, and a delay in the senescence processes, increasing physical and metabolic resistance, ultimately prolonging its useful life and resistance. 

Composition: 6.00% p/p Calcium Oxide; 3.95% w/w Free Amino Acids; 2.70% w/w Total Nitrogen; 1.51% p/p N. Organic; 1.19% p/p Ammonia N.

Formulation: SL - Soluble Liquid

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