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Association of two active substances of the Sulfonylurea family, therefore, inhibits the enzyme acetolactate synthetase (ALS), significantly reducing cell division and growth of weeds.

Composition: Tribenuron-methyl 250 g/kg + Metsulfuron-methyl 250 g/kg

Formulation Type: WG - Wettable granule

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Metsulfuron methyl: Non-hormonal, selective, post-emergent systemic herbicide for the control of dicotyledonous weeds and broadleaf weeds. It is absorbed mainly through the leaves, but also through the roots.

Tribenuron methyl: Herbicide with systemic activity in early post-emergence. It is mainly absorbed by the leaves and translocates quickly.

Please follow the recommendations on the label at all times. To have the most accurate and up-to-date information, always consult the product authorization in the MAPA Registry of Phytosanitary Products

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