Association of two fungicides, one systemic (metalaxil-M) and the other contact (copper hydroxide), with curative and preventive properties. Metalaxyl-M belongs to the phenylamide group (FRAC group A1), with acropetic translocation, providing fungicidal activity on new plant growth. Inhibits mycelial growth (when applied close to contamination) and spore germination, acts on the synthesis of nucleic acids, in RNA polymerase I. Copper is an inorganic compound (group M1 of FRAC), surface, which inhibits several metabolic processes (multi-site), acting on several enzymes. Has preventive activity (inhibits the germination of spores).
Composition: Copper hydroxide 215 g/L + Metalaxyl-M 28.5 g/L
Formulation: SC - Concentrated suspension
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