Butyrac® 200
4×1 gal.; 2×2.5 gal; NR 265
Butyrac® 200 is a selective herbicide for control of a variety of annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in alfalfa, peanuts, soybeans and other labeled crops.
Compare to: Other 2,4-D formulations
Find A RepProduct Features:
- Effective management tool for the control of weeds that are in labeled crops that
may be showing signs of resistance to glyphosate. - May be applied to registered use areas by ground and aerial application equipment.
- Controls or suppresses common ragweed (1-inch maximum height), morningglory
(36-inches maximum height) and cocklebur (36-inch maximum height). - Can be premixed with other EPA registered herbicides to expand weed control in
soybeans, peanuts and alfalfa.
Not Registered