Clomate® 3ME
2x2.5 gal
Apply Clomate® 3ME alone or in tank mix combinations by ground equipment using a finished spray volume of 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. Use nozzles suitable for broadcast boom or banded application of herbicides, observing specific label instructions to reduce spray drift. Tank mixtures with wettable powder or dry flowable formulations, nozzle screens and strainers need to be no finer than 50-mesh. Clomate 3ME may be used as a preemergence soil surface applied treatment from 14 days prior to planting or up to 7 days after planting, but prior to weed emergence. This product may be applied after planting as an early postemergence treatment to rice through the 5-leaf stage. Clomate 3ME is not approved for use in California.
Compare to: Command® 3ME
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Product Features:
- Microencapsulated formulation minimizes movement away from the site of application.
- Effective foundation herbicide for control of a range of grassy weeds in rice, including barnyardgrass, broadleaf signalgrass, panicum, and sprangletop.
- Excellent fit in an overall weed management program in Clearfield® rice systems to reduce competition from early season weeds.
- Flexible timing allows for pre-plant, at-plant or early postemergence applications up to five-leaf rice.
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