2,4-D LV 6
2x2.5 gal; 30 gal; 265 totes; bulk
High-concentration phenoxy herbicide formulation that controls a variety of broadleaf weeds in a range of crops. Best results are obtained when product is applied to young, succulent weeds that are actively growing. The lower recommended rates will be satisfactory on susceptible annual weeds. For perennial weeds and conditions such as the very dry areas of the western states, where control is difficult, the higher recommended rates should be used. When 2,4-D LV 6 is used for weed control in crops, growth stage of the crop must be considered. Some plants and weeds, especially woody varieties, are difficult to control and may require repeat applications. Application rates should be 1-5 gallons of total spray by air or 5-25 gallons by ground equipment, unless otherwise directed. In either case, use the same amount of 2,4-D recommended per acre.
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Product Features:
- A low-volatile formulation that has excellent compatibility with a variety of
fertilizer solutions. - Effective in controlling more than 95 broadleaf weeds when applied at the young
and active growing stage. - More effective at temperatures below 50° F compared to 2,4-D amine formulations.
- Broad label uses including forestry, grasses grown for turf, fresh-market potatoes
and various non-crop applications. - High 2,4-D ester concentration (5.5 lbs/gal) allows for easy handling and storage.
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