QuinStar® 4L
2×2.5 gal
QuinStar® 4L is a systemic herbicide with plant uptake through both foliage and roots. Herbicide symptoms on susceptible plants includes twisting, stunting, reddening and chlorosis. On annual weeds, symptoms may take up to two weeks after application to develop, with death occurring in about three weeks. On perennial weeds, symptoms may not be evident for several weeks after application. Full effect may not be evident for 3-6 months.
Compare to: Facet®; Paramount®
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Active Ingredient:
Product Features:
- Formulated as a liquid flowable designed for dilution with water and spraying with common agricultural spray equipment.
- Provides control or suppression of a range of annual and perennial grass and broadleaf weeds, including barnyardgrass (and propanil-resistant biotypes), crabgrass, morningglory, field bindweed, hemp sesbania, dandelion and common ragweed.
- Low probability of selecting for resistant biotypes when used in a rotation with herbicides containing different modes of action.
- May be used for weed control in dry-seeded, water-seeded and Clearfield® rice planting and production cultures.
Not Registered
- 2(ee) Recommendation, AD022013 Chemigation Timing on Cranberry
- 24(c) Registration
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- 24(c) Registration, OR-200011 For Post-Emergence Weed Control in Non-Bearing Filberts (Hazelnuts) Only
- Label
- Safety Data Sheet
- Technical Bulletin
- Technical Bulletin, AD011018 For Control of Field Bindweed, Hedge Bindweed in Asparagus (MI only)