4×1 gal
Spur® herbicide is recommended for selective, postemergence control of broadleaf weeds and select woody brush species in a range of labeled crops and applications. Apply to actively growing weeds. Extreme conditions such as drought or near-freezing temperatures prior to, at, and following time of application may reduce weed control and increase the risk of crop injury at all stages of growth. Only weeds that have emerged at the time of application will be affected. If foliage is wet at the time of application, control may be decreased. Spur is rainfast within six hours after application.
Compare to: Stinger®; Reclaim®
Find A RepProduct Type:
Active Ingredient:
Product Features:
- Excellent tank-mix partner with other labeled products and a key component of micro-rate tank-mix options for broad spectrum weed control.
- Controls tough weeds, including thistles, ragweeds, common cocklebur, and nightshades.
- Labeled for use in crop, rangeland, pasture, conservation reserve program (CRP) acres, and non-crop areas including fencerows, around farm buildings, equipment pathways, industrial manufacturing, forest sites and rights-of way (such as roadsides, electrical lines, pipelines and railroads).
Not Registered
- 2(ee) Recommendation, For Exported Grass Hay (CA)
- 2(ee) Recommendation, For Exported Grass Hay (NV)
- 2(ee) Recommendation, For Exported Grass Hay (OR)
- 2(ee) Recommendation, For Exported Grass Hay (WA)
- Label
- Safety Data Sheet
- Supplemental Label, AD021804 Postemergence Broadleaf Weed Control in Apple Orchards (Pending CA)
- Technical Bulletin