NR 265, bulk
Verify™ herbicide is for control of yellow nutsedge and the annual grasses and broadleaf weeds listed in the WEEDS CONTROLLED section of the product label. This product alone will not control emerged seedlings. Verify may be applied either as a surface application before or after planting, or after crop emergence. It may also be shallowly incorporated prior to planting to blend the herbicide treatment into the upper 1 to 2 inches of soil. Except for minimum or conservation tillage systems, the seedbed should be fine, firm, and free of clods and trash.
Compare to: Harness®
Find A RepProduct Features:
- Provides consistent, season-long control of grass and small-seeded broadleaf weeds, including barnyardgrass, lambsquarters, common waterhemp, henbit, and foxtail species.
- Can be applied preplant, preemergence, and postemergence (up to 11” corn) in single or split applications.
- Excellent tank-mix partner with atrazine, dicamba, simazine, and imazethapyr to broaden the spectrum of control.
- Labeled for use on corn, Miscanthus, and non-food perennial bioenergy crops.
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