265 gal.; bulk
Durus is a triple mode-of-action herbicide for use in field corn, production seed corn and yellow popcorn and contains the safener, dichlormid. It may be used pre-plant, preemergence (after planting but before crop emergence), or postemergence (after crop emergence) in field corn, field seed corn, and field silage corn fields. For yellow popcorn, Durus must be applied before crop emergence (i.e., pre-plant or pre-emergence) or severe crop injury may occur.
Durus is a restricted use pesticide.
Compare to: Harness® Max + Atrazine
Find A RepProduct Features:
- Three modes of action to control a range of grass and broadleaf weeds by interfering with normal germination, growth and seedling development.
- May be tank mixed with other registered herbicides to broaden the spectrum of control and manage weed resistance.
- Apply via ground pre-plant, preemergence, postemergence or dry bulk fertilizer impregnation.
Not Registered