Five Star®
2x2.5 gal; 30 gal; 265 gal; bulk
Five Star® is an emulsifiable concentrate formulation intended for dilution in water for many applications. Best results will be obtained when Five Star is applied during warm weather to young weeds that are actively growing under good moisture conditions. Lowest recommended rates will generally be satisfactory on susceptible annual weed seedlings. For listed perennial or biennial weeds and under certain conditions such as drought or cool temperatures where control is difficult, the higher recommended rates may be required. In general, only weeds emerged at the time of application will be affected.
Compare to: Other 2,4-D formulations
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Product Features:
- Low-volatile, emulsifiable concentrate that mixes well with other EPA-registered herbicides to provide effective control of many troublesome weeds.
- Can be applied by ground and aerial application equipment in water or with a liquid nitrogen solution.
- Effective solution for many annual and perennial broadleaf weeds in corn, sorghum, soybeans (preplant only), cereal grains and fallow applications.
- Very effective when applied in warm weather to young, actively growing weeds.
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