Clyde® FX
Systemic herbicide, with foliar and root absorption, formulated with florasulam and fluroxypyr. Florasulam belongs to the chemical family of triazolopyrimidines (HRAC 2 group), has a rapid translocation in the apoplast and symplast to the meristematic zones, acting by inhibiting the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS), essential for the synthesis of the amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine Fluroxypyr, belonging to the chemical group of. Pyridyloxycarboxylates, being a synthetic auxin (HRAC group 4), also present translocation through the symplast and apoplast with accumulation in meristematic tissues, inhibiting cell development (acts like indoleacetic acid, IAA).
Composition: Florasulam 1 g/L + Fluroxipir 100 g/L
Formulation: SE - Suspo-emulsion
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